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What hybrid SUV will I go for now?

Hey guys,

Currently driving a Qashqai and looking to change to a hybrid, but local Nissan dealer said they won’t have hybrid Qashqais until 2020. What alternatives can you suggest please?



Dara Weston (Dublin)

May 2018 Filed under: hybrid

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Best plug-in hybrid on the market?

I have a budget of €30-35k; what is the best plug in hybrid car available in the market now?

Lee Russell (Dublin)

Mar 2018 Filed under: hybrid

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Can you tell me about a new Lexus crossover?

Can you tell me anything please about the new Lexus hybrid small crossover due out in 2018 I think? I drive an Audi A4 and love it, but thinking of changing to Lexus so I can drive a hybrid.

Many thanks

Elizabeth Regan (Dublin)

Jan 2018 Filed under: hybrid

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Advantages of a regular hybrid car?

Can you explain the advantages of a hybrid car that doesn't plug in to the grid, please and thanks?

Philip Donegan (Ballina)

Oct 2017 Filed under: hybrid

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Will hybrid VRT relief change in the Budget?

I would welcome your opinion on the upcoming 2018 Irish Budget in November. The current VRT relief on hybrid cars is €1,500. In light of current poor sales of hybrid cars in Ireland (two per cent of total Irish sales), do you see them raising this value or could they possibly withdraw it?

I ask this because I am planning to purchase a hybrid for 181 and I would like to take advantage of the 'increased' value.

Michael Carey (Letterkenny)

Aug 2017 Filed under: hybrid

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Tech specs for the 2012 Honda Fit Hybrid?

Technical specifications for 2012 Honda Fit 1.5 automatic hybrid?

Zhivko Stoyanov (Laytown )

Jan 2017 Filed under: hybrid

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What is the cheapest hybrid in Ireland?

What is the cheapest hybrid car in Ireland?

Igancio Irigoien (Dublin)

Dec 2016 Filed under: hybrid

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Lexus IS 300h or BMW 330e hybrids?

Hi there,

I need to make the move back to petrol from diesel as I am not doing the mileage and concerned about reliability of a modern diesel with DPF blockages. I would like a small comfortable automatic saloon. I don't have options to charge an EV car at work or at home. Should I go with the Lexus IS 300h over the BMW 330e?

John, Dublin.

John Cronin (Dublin)

Feb 2016 Filed under: hybrid

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Hybrid and electric cars are not the future...

This is not really a question, just a comment. I just don't understand all this hype about electric and hybrid cars. I live in an apartment, probably way more than half the world lives in apartments or cities where recharging is not feasible. It doesn't look like the future to me.


Philip Donegan (Ballina)

Jan 2016 Filed under: hybrid

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Why are there no diesel hybrids?

Why are there no diesel hybrids?

Martin Moroney (Dublin)

Sep 2015 Filed under: hybrid

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5,050 Irish motoring queries answered to date

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