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Should we bring our car from Germany?


Can I ask for some advice please? My girlfriend is a German national who has come to live in Ireland. She wants to sell her car here in Ireland. The car in question is a 2011 Nissan Qashqai - very good spec with a petrol engine. There is a Moldovian national who is interested in buying this car, but we are concerned that the car will not be registered in Moldova and we are aware that a lot of German cars are in Moldova on German plates.

Any help or advice would be appreciated .

Warmest regards

Michael Roche

Michael Roche (Cork)

Feb 2017 Filed under: importing

Expert answer

Hi Michael,

I think your best bet is to sell the car in Germany first, but possibly not to this other person you’re speaking about. If you’re concerned about what a future owner may do with a car, then the best thing is to find someone else to sell it to. Bringing the car into Ireland to sell will involve a large amount of paperwork and a hefty price tag in Vehicle Registration Tax (VRT), so I think you’re going to be better off by far selling the car in Germany.

Neil Briscoe - Complete Car Advisor

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