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VRT estimate on a 2013 Mercedes CL 500?
Looking for VRT estimate on a 2013 Mercedes CL 500 4.6-litre V8 bi-turbo with 105k miles on the clock.
Mark Butler (Galway)Jan 2025 Filed under: VRT
Expert answer
Hi Mark,
As I’m sure you realise, we can only guess at the OMSP (Open Market Selling Price) that Revenue will place on such a rare car. And the VRT calculation hinges on that. Let’s say it’s €25,000, and that its CO2 emissions put it into the top VRT band at 41 per cent. That would mean a VRT bill of €10,250.
Don’t forget about the NOx levy on top of that, which is likely to be the top €600 limit for petrol cars, and of course import duty and VAT if the car is coming from England, Scotland or Wales.
Shane O' Donoghue - Complete Car Advisor