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Should I change my Kia Ceed?

I have a 2007 Kia Ceed 1.4 petrol with 250,000km on clock. It has been great and reliable. Thinking about time to change. Daily mileage to and from work 60km. Thinking of Kia Rio diesel or petrol, new or second hand 2016-18. Any thoughts or advice or maybe hold on to Ceed until the end of its life?

Laurie Healy (Dublin)

May 2020 Filed under: choosing used car

Expert answer

Hi Laurie,

Well, keeping an old car going is often the cheaper solution, but obviously we can understand the desire for something a little newer. The Rio is a decent choice — reliable and economical — but to be honest it’s a bit of a bland machine. I think you’d be better by far simply upgrading to a newer Kia Ceed. The second-generation model, launched in 2012, feels really sophisticated and is actually very good to drive. With your 60km daily mileage, it would probably be worth looking for another petrol version, rather than going for a diesel. 

Neil Briscoe - Complete Car Advisor

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