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What do you think of theft of modern cars?

I don't know if there is a limit on the number of questions one can ask but here's another! Nearly all of the top specc'd models have hands-free door opening and engine starting. In an article in Auto Bild magazine it said that these were easily subject to theft using specialised equipment. Only one brand foiled the thieves - Mercedes-Benz. I was wondering would you have any comment on this. It's very disheartening.

Philip Donegan (Ballina)

Feb 2016 Filed under: car theft

Expert answer

Hi Philip,

It is a problem, right enough, but while Mercedes security systems are good, they're not infallible, and any car is vulnerable to this kind of electronic attack.The only thing you can reasonably do is to stand as close to the car as possible when flipping the lock, so as to minimise the signal spread and make it harder to 'capture' the signal between the key and the car. If it's a keyless-entry car, keep the key as far away from the car as possible when it's parked up outside.

Beyond that though, the sad and unpleasant truth is that if a determined and well-equipped thief really wants your car, they're going to have it... Maybe consider getting a tracking device fitted, and police forces are generally advising going back to the more old-fashioned methods such as a steering wheel bar or a driveway post. Anything that makes the crooks' life harder is a good idea.

(Oh, and no limit to the number of questions either. We are generally inundated with questions so once you don't expect an instant answer we'll all be happy.)

Neil Briscoe - Complete Car Advisor

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