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How good is the Renault Kangoo passenger model?

How good is the Renault Kangoo passenger model?

Pat Murphy (Cork)

Jul 2013 Filed under: choosing new car

Expert answer

Hi Pat,

To be honest, if badge snobbery were outlawed in the morning, the Kangoo is what we'd all be driving. Massively spacious, comfy and not at all bad to drive, it's the closest modern successor to the original Renault 4. And yes, that's a good thing.

As for reliability, they're pretty good. Being van-based, the mechanical bits are generally of an older design, so the kinks have been long since ironed out and they don't break down much. The only thing to watch for, as on any French car, is the electrical system, which can storm off in a Gallic huff, especially where electric windows are concerned.

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Neil Briscoe - Complete Car Adviser

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