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How much is a petrol Mazda3 worth now?

How much would a 2006 Mazda3 petrol saloon with 110,000 kilometres on it be worth a) selling for cash and b) as a trade in?

Claire O'Malley (Ardee)

Apr 2013 Filed under: used car values

Expert answer

Hi Claire,

Depending on specification, history and condition we'd suggest you advertise this for €5,500 and be ready to accept a little less for cash. It's trickier to estimate the trade-in price, as dealers will all have their own agendas. If they don't particularly want your car they'll not give you a good offer, but conversely if they're keen to sell the car you're looking at they may be more generous. The only way to know for sure is to go to a few garages and ask them.

Hope that helps

Shane O' Donoghue - Complete Car Adviser

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