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What do you think of the Nissan Tiida?

2008-09 Nissan Tiida: what should I look out for? How reliable, spacious and good is it as a second family car?

Alan Trayer (Naas)

Mar 2013 Filed under: choosing used car

Expert answer

Hi Alan,

We don't know of any widespread common issues with this car. It's built on Nissan/Renault mechanicals that are quite well proven. It's moderately spacious for the money, but it's not a car we'd often consider, as there are plenty of other better cars available for the same price. Apparently many unsold examples found their way from Ireland to the UK, where they were never marketed as a new car.

In summary: not bad really, but not recommended either.

Let us know how you get on.

Shane O' Donoghue - Complete Car Adviser

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