
Pass It On

A 'be nice' guide launched for motorists.

A new guide has been launched to encourage courtesy and understanding among frazzled motorists in Ireland.

The booklet entitled 'Pass It On' is aimed at restoring manners to drivers and tackling road rage and irate behaviour.

The road courtesy code, which is a joint initiative between Maxol and tyre company Semperit, contains tips and advice to encourage motorists to be mannerly rather than pig-headed.

Included in the guide are 10 tips to harmonious driving such as giving way to other drivers in traffic, being patient in relation to learners and leaving space between you and the car in front.

Paddy Murphy from Semperit Ireland said the aim of the guide is for "drivers to get the message and pass it on".

"There's a lot of stress on the roads of Ireland, and of course a lot of that stress is caused by things we can't change like heavy traffic and roadworks," he sais.

"But one thing we can do to ease the tension is simply be more considerate to each other.

"We believe that if everyone shows a little more patience and understanding on the road, we can not only make driving more enjoyable but safer too.

Brian Donaldson of Maxol emphasised how little gestures can make a big difference to drivers' attitudes.

"The booklet contains very simple ideas but they can make a big difference."

The 'Pass It On' guide is available from Maxol fuel outlets and Semperit tyre dealers or can be downloaded from Semperit or Maxol.

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Published on March 29, 2010