
'That's not a truck...'

And the award of most powerful diesel truck goes to...

In America they like everything to be big, especially their trucks, but how can one be sure of just which one is the best, or in this case, most powerful? The diligent people at Diesel Power Magazine are today (May 8th) going to put the competition to the test in order to find the most powerful diesel truck in the world.

The Diesel Power Challenge will take place in Morrison, Colorado, just outside Denver in the USA. The event will pitch ten drivers and three teammates, each chosen by readers, to pit their modified diesel machines against each other in a three-day test that is described as the "Olympics of diesel trucks".

To find just which is the more powerful, seven different challenges must be completed. They comprise of the chassis dynamometer, the quarter-mile drag race, the 1/8-mile 10,000-pound trailer tow, a timed trailer tow obstacle course, the sled pull, and the 150-mile fuel-economy drive. Each event is weighted the same and in order to be successful each team must compete in all seven events. The competition should be fierce, as last year's winner, a Chevrolet Silverado, produced more than 4,067Nm of torque - four times that of  standard model.

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Published on May 8, 2013