Car with 31 owners found in Ireland researched the number of owners per car, with some interesting results...

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In its latest bit of data research,, the vehicle history and data expert, has discovered that there's a 1998 Honda Integra on a Galway plate that has had 31 owners since it was imported from Japan in 2006. That's a change of ownership, on average, every 147 days, while one buyer only kept it for two weeks. Close behind the Honda were a 2004 BMW 530 and a 1999 Lexus IS 200, both having changed hands 30 times.

Naturally, this trio are the exception rather than the rule, but's data also revealed that some 17,363 vehicles in Ireland have had 10 or more owners.

John Byrne, General Counsel at, commented: "The number of owners for a vehicle can sometimes be overlooked by a potential buyer as a less important data marker, but it's an important part of the vehicle's history: a higher number of owner changes can sometimes indicate hidden issues such as mechanical problems with the vehicle. A higher number of owner cycles means the continuing upkeep of the vehicle becomes an issue too as some owners are more particular than others about ensuring vehicles are serviced regularly. You also have the issue of driving style which can impact on wear and tear of components and can point to increased maintenance costs down the line. We are commonly seeing more owner changes for vehicles which are taxed at a higher rate - many owners simply find it difficult to justify paying high values for motor tax for older vehicles over long periods." also released data on the overall size of the vehicle fleet in Ireland, reporting that, at 3,204,161 registered vehicles on July 30, this is the first time it has topped the 3.2 million mark.

John Byrne again: "The unprecedented size of the fleet will not come as a surprise to commuters who will have noticed increased congestion on our roads network and shortage of parking in urban areas. Issues around free-flow of traffic, enforcement of parking, access to business and footfall, will prove increasingly challenging as the economy continues to grow. Residential zones will also have noticed overflow parking in urban areas as we accommodate a larger fleet than ever before."

Published on: September 5, 2018