Kia tackles bird poo

Pigeon fanciers assist Kia with ongoing issue.

A new way of keeping bird mess off of cars is winging its way to a Kia forecourt near you. Working with pigeon fanciers, Kia has worked out how to redirect wild birds away from its dealerships.

Pigeon expert Joe Kerr said: "When Kia approached me, I thought they were having a laugh." However, this is no joking matter and Kia has established that black and red cars are more likely to be targeted with bird mess.

Stephen Kitson, of Kia, said: "We have brought dealers and local experts together to come up with a humane method to solve the problem. Pigeon fanciers understand birds' migratory patterns, behaviours and local topography, so they're perfectly placed to advise Kia dealers on keeping their forecourts Feather Free Zones."

Rumours that Kia is working with NATO on no-fly zones over Libya are as yet unconfirmed.

Published on: April 1, 2011