Kia creates X-Men’s Mystique in car form

Kia X-Car 2 based on Sportage Mk4, created to promote latest X-Men film.

What's the news?

Kia has a tie-up with film studio Twentieth Century Fox, specifically revolving around the X-Men franchise, and with a new movie on the way, here's a Sportage that's styled to look like the series' shape-shifting Mystique.

Following on from the original X-Car - devoted to fans' favourite Wolverine - the second X-Car is based on the forthcoming all-new Sportage. Its looks are designed to ape the blue-skinned polymorph from the films and according to Kia, on January 4, an online video involving tennis ace Rafael Nadal will 'actually' show the X-Car 2 changing shape (it won't; it'll all be CGI, no doubt).

X-Men: Apocalypse, the third in the 'prequel' series of films, which began with X-Men: First Class, will be released in cinemas in May 2016 and you can expect a lot more promotional appearances of the Kia X-Car 2 between now and then.

Anything else?

Wondering why Rafa is involved in the X-Car video? Well, Kia is also the sponsor of the Australian Open 2016, with the car getting its debut at the tennis tournament in January. So he was roped in by the Korean manufacturer to bring a bit of glamour to the video, which you can watch on the Sportage's microsite.

Published on: December 24, 2015