Frank Keane Volkswagen donates car to Barretstown

Kids' charity gets new Amarok in time for Christmas.

What's the news?

The Barretstown Gang Camp, a charity that seeks to give seriously and terminally ill children a chance to have a fun holiday and time with their friends and family, was established by Paul Newman, the famed actor and sometime racing driver, back in 1994. As an organisation that helps brighten the lives of some of the most seriously ill children in the country, it is enormously worth donating to and helping.

So kudos to Franke Keane Volkswagen, which has donated a new Amarok pickup truck to Barretstown. Not only that, but the load bed was stuffed with presents and gifts for the children, seeing as it's Christmas and all.

Donal Geoghegan, Dealer Principal at Frank Keane Volkswagen commented: "We believe that all children who have been affected by serious illness should get to enjoy their childhood, especially around Christmas time. Barretstown is a great charity and our donation is only a small token which we hope contributes towards Barretstown's cause. We made a commitment last year that we would make an annual donation to charities who make the lives of children better and we are delighted to be here in Barretstown today."

Commenting, Dee Ahearn, CEO Barretstown, said: "We are thrilled with the support and generosity of Frank Keane Volkswagen. Their gifts will make a significant impact on our Arts & Crafts, Canoeing and Fishing Programmes for 2016. Barretstown needs to raise €4.8 million a year to run our programmes, over 97% of which comes from voluntary contributions from generous individuals and companies. As you can imagine we are delighted with their support. Thank you Frank Keane Volkswagen!"

Published on: December 15, 2015