Women are the most likely to suffer road rage

Survey says women motorists most likely to suffer from road rage.

What's the news?

According to a new study by AIG Insurance, women motorists are the most likely to suffer from road rage. Of the 25 to 34 year old female age group, 61 per cent say they have suffered from road rage. Sadly, the survey doesn't tell us exactly what that means. Does 'suffer from' mean that they are the ones being road-raged on by others? Or, are they the ones losing their tempers and shouting abuse? We presume it's the former...

The survey also reveals that 61 per cent of male drivers aged 18 to 24 say they break the speed limit at least once a week with 26 per cent admitting they break the limit daily. In comparison, 13 per cent of 18 to 24 year old females say they speed daily while that figure rises to 39 per cent weekly. Across all age groups, 38 per cent say they break the legal limit at least once a week.

AIG is using the survey results to plug its XLNT driver behaviour app, which uses your mobile phone's accelerometers and GPS locators to keep an eye on how you are driving. General Manager of AIG in Ireland, Declan O'Rourke, commented: "AIG is committed to promoting safer driving in Ireland, and ahead of the May Bank Holiday we want to stress the need for all drivers to take more care. Our commitment to road safety is illustrated by development of our XLNTdriver app. It's clear from the research carried out that bad driver behaviour, particularly speeding, is an ongoing problem and anything that can be done to alleviate this is a step in the right direction."

"The XLNT driver app rewards safer driving and encourages drivers to improve their driving habits. AIG hope that this in turn will help lead to safer roads".

Published on: May 1, 2015