School run car checks

The AA is advising Irish motorists to do some basic checks before drop-off time.

Schools are back, so cue the sighing, the grumpy teenagers, and the endless searching in the back of cupboards for the lost PE kit. Cue also problems with your car - between the school holidays and working from home, many of us will have cars that haven't been used regularly lately, and according to AA Ireland, that can be a problem.

Tyres are all-important

The first and most important check to make is having a look at the tyres. We know - black, round, and boring, but they really are the most important thing to check, as they are your only contact with the road below. If the tyres aren't good, then nothing's good. Check that the pressures are correct all-round and check that the tread-depth is good. Don't wait until the tread depth falls to the legal 1.6mm minimum, either. "Our AA Rescue team tells us to replace your tyre when the tread depth falls below 3mm in order to best protect the safety of you and your family," said Anna Cullen of AA Ireland.

Top up fluids

Next, try starting up the engine, especially if the car has been sitting totally idle for a while. Batteries can discharge when standing still, so if the engine fails to fire, or struggles to turn over, you'll need to replace it. Don't leave this till 8.55am on the first day of school, either...

Next, check your fluid levels - oil, water, power steering, brakes. As winter is only around the corner, it's as good a time as any to check and top up levels of anti-freeze etc. "Our AA Rescue team tells us that while you're checking your coolant, don't forget to check the engine oil and top it up if necessary. Depending on the manufacturer's guidelines you may need to check the oil level up to every fortnight and particularly before any lengthy journey," says Cullen. "If you find that your car is using oil at a high rate it may be a sign that the engine is an issue and you should seek urgent assistance."

Clean everything

Finally, check your spare wheel (assuming you have one) for tread depth and pressure, and check that your windscreen wipers are in good condition - wiper blades only last about a year on average, so if they've not been changed for a while, this is a good time to do them. Give the windscreen and other glass a good clean, inside and out too. In fact, why not get your car properly cleaned and valeted too? It'll feel like new on the first day of school, and at least you'll enjoy the drive back home...

Published on: August 31, 2021