Ford’s Christmas jumper shows minimum safe distance

Ford's safe distance Christmas jumper has sewn-in projectors which show drivers how far away to stay.

Ford has a little Christmas present for all those who feel that people just drive too damn close to cyclists - a Christmas jumper that shows just how far 1.5 metres really is.

A gift for cyclists

Describing it as a 'special gift for cyclists and e-scooter riders' the Ford jumper looks like many other over-the-top Christmas jumpers but hidden with the reindeer's antlers, nose and tail are little projectors that mark out on the ground a 1.5-metre safe zone around the wearer.

It's all part of Ford's ongoing 'Share The Road' campaign, which is designed to remind all of us - from cyclists and pedestrians to HGV drivers - that there's only one bit of tarmac and we all get to use it safely. According to Ford's research 80 per cent of cyclists claim close-passing vehicles are their biggest threat and around nine in ten regular cyclists state they are 'close passed' at least once a week. While countries across Europe have different rules about safe overtaking distances, 1.5m is generally considered a safe distance in slower-moving traffic, rising to 2.0m when travelling at speeds above 48km/h.

Extra lights

At this time of year, of course, when it's darker earlier and probably wet, too, the extra lighting of the jumper also helps to improve safety. It joins the 'Emoji Jacket' which Ford designed earlier this year, which allows cyclists to show both how they're feeling, and where they're going, to traffic approaching from behind.

To go with the wearables, Ford has also produced an award-winning virtual reality experience so that drivers and cyclists can better understand the challenges of each other's journeys. 'WheelSwap' enables motorists and cyclists to see how inconsiderate driving and riding can be at the least hair-raising - and potentially fatal - for their fellow road users. Initial studies show that after undergoing the experience, nearly all participants said they would change their behaviour.

Safe distance

"In 2020, we may have become good at keeping a safe distance in shops or on the pavements but we're not always so good at it on the roads. The 'Safe Distance' Christmas Jumper may be fun, but the message is serious; we all need to be mindful of other road-users and make sure everyone gets home for Christmas, no matter what form of transport they take" said Ford's Emmanuel Lubrani.

Published on: December 22, 2020